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Successful Case of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

A weak, thin (weighing 40 kgs), 22 year old female patient came for consultation on 20th June
2014. She complained of frequent loose stools for past 2 years. The girl had 7-8 kgs of weight
loss in last couple of years and complained of extreme weakness. Other complaints were:
 Restlessness after eating
 Pulsations and lot of abdominal discomfort after eating
 Constant weight loss since 2 years
 Poor appetit
Patient had consulted various gastroenterologists and underwent lots of investigations, but to no
avail. She had constant abdominal discomfort, as a result of this harassing problem , she
could not focus on her studies.
Physical generals of the patient: Poor appetite, Thirst was typical, she complained of dryness
of mouth, but she use to drink small quantities of water at frequent intervals. Urine
normal. Stools: variable, semisolid stools sometimes, unformed stools at other times. Thermal
reaction was not marked.
Treatment History: Patient consulted leading gastroenterologist in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital on
3-5-2013 and was prescribed Tab. Mobiz SR, Tab. Susfol 5 mg, She was advised
Colonoscopy. Colonoscopy reports ( dated 4-5-2013, reports attached) gave impression of
Normal study. She was diagnosed IBS.
She was unable to obtain relief and was very anxious. The patient consulted another leading

gastroenterologist, was advised Duodenum Biopsy and was diagnosed CHRONIC NON-
SPECIFIC DUODENITIS.( DATED-7-5-2013). The patient continued same treatment but she

was not relieved of her complaints.
Next, the patient consulted Central Hospital ( on 11-3-2014), she was advised Tab Zorno , Tab
Mebez ( for De-worming), Tab Drotin, Tab Beplex and Tab Cremalax. The poor patient
continued this treatment in vain hope of relief for a fortnight. The inveterate harassing problem
returned again in May 2014 and on 2nd may 2014, she revisited central Hospital. This time she
was advised Tab Sinarest (anti allergic), Tab Zentel, Tab Aciloc ( antacid), Tab. Tazim O (
antibiotic), Tab Monteur and Tab. Folvite 5 mg. She was advised to stop milk intake.
The patient was greatly distressed by this time and was near hopeless.
Mental picture: Anxiety about disease was very much marked. She was so much scared about
the complications of her disease that she was weeping while narrating her complaints.
The patient was beset with anxieties both reasonable and unreasonable, tangible and
intangible, visible and hidden, about present and future. The patient presented as an
extremely anxious and frustrated individual. The unique feature of this patient’s anxiety was
an INTENSE CONCERN ABOUT HEALTH. She regarded her illness with disproportionate
dread, panicked at symptoms which others would ignore and as a result imagined that she
had every disease she read about. She used to SURF THE INTERNET FOR HOURS
DISEASE. She was driven to the point of despair.
The patient had visited many doctors, trying therapy after therapy, seeking both confirmation of
the gravity of her complaint and REASSURANCE of its curability.
When airing her views on health and medicine, she talked excitedly about the wonderful
insight she gained after consulting such and such website and pointed out a number of
important problems that she never knew she had, until she read that stuff on the internet.
Rather than abating, this fear and anxiety crescendos as the patient read and collected all
the health material from internet. She worked herself into intolerable and constant anxiety and
great nervousness.
The patient was weeping with despair imagining that some deadly disease is lurking in the
background, allowing her no peace what so ever.
The treatment of such cases require both homoeopathic medicine and psychotherapy of the
patient. The patient and her father (her attendant) were strictly instructed that the girl was not

supposed to read about any health stuff on the internet. She was absolutely refrained from
reading about her disease which was acting like fresh fuel in the fire of her anxiety. She
was counselled psychologically and encouraged to adopt a positive outlook towards life
and her complaints as well.

She was prescribed our medicine on 20th June 2014. A week later she was slightly
better, but she complained of lot of anxiety (ghabrahat), pain in abdomen< left side. Stools were
offensive, semisolid, tenacious (sticky). She was advised to stop milk, and start Probiotics (
30-6-2014: Patient complaint of fever and tonsillitis, cough and cold. Stools better.
21-7-2014: Her cough and cold were better, but she developed pain in groin of left side. On
Examination: Left side Inguinal lymph node was enlarged, inflamed, Mild tenderness on
5-8-2014: Patient was much better . Inflamation was gone, stools were normal, abdominal
discomfort better.
7-8-2014: Patient again developed inflammation of throat, pain < right side( Follicular tonsillitis).
But there was NO ANXIETY this time.An appropriate medicine had been prescribed.
13-8-2014: Her throat pain was gone, cough was persistent. Stools were semisolid again,
frequency 3-4 times a day. She also complained of mouth ulcers, She was anxious again(3+).
6-9-2014: Patient complained of sneezing and chilliness. Arsenic album was given again.
15-9-2014: Patient compained of rubling and gurgling feeling in abdomen. Sneezing was better
but persistent.
26-9-2014: Patient was better.
16-10-2014: No abdominal discomfort. Sneezing present. Stools normal. Patient was much better on the
whole. Her life quality improved. She gained weight, ( 47 kg now). No anxiety. She started taking interest in
her studies now .
16-11-2014: No abdominal discomfort, no anxiety. Nasal blockage off and on and occasional sneezing.
The patient is still continuing the treatment and is very grateful for the marvelous relief of her horrendous
disease. She is enjoying life, taking great interest in her studies.
The recurrence of nasal symptoms and abdominal discomfort indicated that psoric miasm is
lurking in background and strongly allergic constitution. As allergy is an inherent reactive
mechanism of the body to a variety of environment stimuli, it cannot be eradicated but can be
altered and managed with homoeopathic medicines. The patient gains immunity in due course
of time and able to develop disease resistance power with constitutional homoeopathic
CCUBE HOMEOPATHY has been successful in treating such multiple cases.
Contact Dr Rashmi Chandwani at CCUBE HOMEOPATHY.
