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Homeopathic Treatment for Asthma


Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting the airways, which can lead to variable airflow bronchial obstruction which is potentially reversible with appropriate therapy or spontaneously. It is typically marked by episodic attacks of shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing – often referred as the “Asthma Triad”. Dr Rashmi Chandwani is give best Homeopathic Treatment for Asthma. She is know as the best Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi.

  • Approximately 4.3% prevalence worldwide
  • Children > Adults
  • Blacks > caucacians
  • Sex distribution
    • Children: Boys > Girls
    • Adults: Females > Males
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What alterations occurs
in the lungs when pollen is inhaled into the airways?

  • Obstruction of airway
  • Constriction of airway smooth muscles
  • Thickening of submucosa due to oedema and infiltration of cells
  • Inflammation of airways
  • Subepithelial collagen deposition
  • Increase mucus production within airway lumen

What causes Asthma?

Asthma is a heterogeneous disease. It is caused by combination of complex and incompletely understood environmental and genetic interactions. The severity and responsiveness of the disease are affected by both of these factors. There are endogenous risk factors such as genetic predisposition, gender, and asthma, and exogenous risk factors such as allergens, occupational chemicals, or sensitizers, smoking, infection, obesity, and dietary factors.  CCube Homeopathy clinic is the one of the best option for asthma treatment in Delhi.

Genetics play important role in developing asthma. The risk of developing asthma becomes greater when both genetic and environmental factors are present simultaneously. There are multiple genes involved in asthma development. A consistent association has been found between chromosomes 5q31-33, 6p21.3, 11q13, and 12q14.3-24.1 and asthma and its associated phenotypes.

Asthma is strongly associated with atopy, the genetic predisposition to IgE-mediated responses to allergens. About 80% of asthmatic patients suffer from other allergic diseases like allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis.

Exposure to allergens like dust mites, pollen, pet’s hair, mold & pet dander can trigger allergic reactions in susceptible persons and leading to asthma symptoms.
Mold spores are significantly related to the hospitalization of asthmatic. Air pollution especially due to higher concentrations of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter due to unfavourable metrological conditions and air stagnation poses risk for asthma.

Certain lifestyle factors may also influence asthma risk. Obesity increases the incidence & prevalence of asthma. It is likely to have a greater impact on non-allergic asthma. There is a decrease in lung volume and respiratory tidal volume, as well as an increase in systemic inflammation by hormones derived from fat, such as leptin and adiponectin.

Additionally, factors such as diet, physical activity levels, and stress may impact asthma severity and symptom control, though their precise role in asthma causation requires further investigation. CCube Homeopathy is best for allergic asthma homeopathic treatment in delhi.

Clinical features of Asthma

  • The characteristic symptoms of asthma are
    • wheezing,
    • dyspnea and
    • coughing, which are variable, both spontaneously and with therapy.
  • Patients typically awaken in the early morning hours, and symptoms may be more severe at night.
  • Difficulty in filling their lungs with air
  •  Many patients experience an increase in mucus production, resulting in tenacious mucus that is difficult to remove.
  •  It is also possible to observe an increase in respiratory effort and the use of accessory muscles to breathe.
  • Prodromal symptom can manifest before an attack, including itching under the chin, discomfort between the shoulder blades, or a sense of unexplained fear (often describing as a feeling of impending doom)
  • Typical physical signs are –
    • Predominantly expiratory, and to a lesser extend inspiratory,
    • Rhonchi present across the chest and
    • there may be hyperinflation (happen when some air gets trapped in the lungs when breathing out).
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How is homeopathy effective for asthma?

Asthma is an allergic problem, and allergy means hypersensitivity. The hypersensitive individual reacts violently to the allergen in the form of severe constriction of bronchioles in the lungs. Once the homeopathic medicines are given according to the principles of homeopathy in a holistic and individualistic manner, Immunity of the hypersensitive individual gets boosted or improved, and that is how an oversensitive individual gradually stops reacting to that particular allergen in a better way. Homeopathic practitioners dig into the depth of every individual case in order to provide holistic individualistic treatment to enhance their immunity and strengthen their vital systems to fight allergens and pollutants. This holistic and individualistic approach to the treatment not only provides excellent symptomatic relief but also eradicates asthma from its root. Homeopathy aims to alleviate Asthmatic conditions with the body’s self-healing attributes. The mechanism basically works by stimulating the immune response and reducing the vulnerability to allergens.

 This reduces attack frequencies and helps the patient to lead a better-quality life. In homeopathy, as it’s known to be a holistic approach, we analyse the patients’ complete health, lifestyle and core conditions of Asthma. Through this, patients are prescribed medicines that are adjacent to their constitution. Remedies totally depend on the individual’s symptomatic behaviour and health profile.

By directing attention to the individual rather than just the symptoms, our homoeopathic approach aims to strengthen the immune system and improve the patient’s resilience. It helps in alleviation from specific triggers in the longer term and alongside improves existing symptoms as well. Better immunity levels and strengthened vital symptoms act as major drivers in eradicating Asthmatic complaints. Hence with a personalized approach, individuals can manage their asthmatic conditions and also potentially overcome it.

Factors & Exposures contributing to Asthma development

  1. Exposure to allergens in individuals predisposed to atopy
  2. Occupational exposure
  3. Air pollution
  4. Infections (viral & mycoplasma)
  5. Tobacco
  6. Obesity
  7. Diet
  8. Fungi in allergic airway mycoses
  9. Acute irritants and the development of reactive airway dysfunction syndrome (RADS)
  10. Intensive training among professional athletes

Triggers of Airway Narrowing

  1. Allergens
  2. Irritants (such as household sprays, paint vapours)
  3. Viral infections of upper respiratory tract
  4. Exercise and Hyperventilation
  5. Cold, dry air
  6. Air pollution (including sulfur dioxide, ozone, NO2 & other irritant gases)
  7. Certain medications (β blockers, aspirin, ACE inhibitors)
  8. Occupational exposures
  9. Hormonal changes (increase in perimenstrual/perimenopausal symptoms)
  10. Pregnancy


  1. Obesity
  2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  3. Chronic rhinosinusitis
  4. Inducible laryngeal dysfunction (Vocal cord dysfunction)
  5. COPD
  6. Anxiety/Depression
  7. Obstructive sleep apnea



  • Presumptive diagnosis: Occurrence of wheezing, Shortness of breath, chest tightness or cough in response to exposure to triggers.
  • Therapeutic trial of low dose ICS (inhale corticosteroids)
  • Confirmation
    • Pulmonary function testing,
    • dyspnea and
    • coughing, which are variable, both spontaneously and with therapy.
  • Primary Assessment Tools: For making diagnosis of Asthma
  • Adjunctive Assessment Tools: Used to Identify triggers & underlying mechanisms to tailor exact therapy
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Primary assessment tool

  • History
    • Episodes of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, mucus production or coughing triggered by specific irritants or allergens.
    • Worsening in morning
    • Precipitation with rapid change in temperature
    • Exercise/cold air induced symptoms
    • 2/3rd of patients are atopic
    • H/O recent drug use? – NSAIDS, β blockers, ACE inhibitors
  • Physical Examination
    • Pale nasal mucosa: typically linked with allergic rhinitis
    • During an Acute attack: evidence of tachypnea, tachycardia & use of accessory muscles
    • On Ascultation: Initial Wheezing that may progress to a Silent chest
  • Pulmonary Function Tests
    • ↓ PEFR, FEV1 & FEV1/FVC
    • Flow volume curve: Scalloping
    • Reversibility –
    • After giving β2 agonist àafter 15 minutes, >12% or 200ml ↑ in FEV1
    • Peak flow Diurnal variation of >20%
  • Assessment of Airway responsiveness
    • ↑ reactivity to provocative stimuli (done in loborartory)
    • Methacholine: >20% drop in FEV1 with a dose <400ug
    • Mannitol
    • Hypertonic saline
    • Exercise/cold air > 10% drop in FEV1

Adjunctive Assessment tool

  • Eosinophil counts
    • >300 cells/ul
    • Response to medications targeting Type 2 inflammation
    • Extremely elevated levels —- Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis /Primary eosinophilic disorders/ Churg-Strauss Syndrome
  • IgE, skin tests & Radioallergosorbent Tests
    • Total serum IgE >1000 IU/ml: s/o ABPA (Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis)
    • Skin Tests or RAST : Confirm atopy
  • Exhaled Nitric Oxide:
    • FeNO: Approximate indicator of eosinophilic inflammation in the airways
    • Readily reduced by Inhalational corticosteroids
    • Untreated patients (>35-40ppb)- eosinophilic inflammation
    • Treated patients (>20-25 ppb)- poor adherence to therapy or persistent type 2 inflammation
  • Chest radiography –
  • An asthmatic patient may have hyperinflation on his chest radiograph. Additionally, it can help detect complications associated with severe asthma, such as rib fractures, pneumothorax, and pneumomediastinum.
  • Sputum examination
    • Eosinophils predominantly Type 2 inflammation vs Neutrophils is Non Type 2 inflammation.


Goals of Therapy

  1. Limiting symptoms <2 times/week
  2. Decreasing night time awakening to <2 times/month
  3. Reduction of reliever use to <2 times a week (except before exercise)
  4. Ensuring no more than 1 exacerbation/year
  5. Enhancing lung function to its optimal level
  6. Preserving the ability to perform daily activities normally.
  7. Achieving satisfaction with asthma management while minimizing or eliminating treatment side effects.
  • Reducing triggers –By Mitigation, Allergen immunotherapy, Vaccination
  • Medications
  • Reliever medications/Bronchodilaters
    • β2 agonists
    • Short acting (Salbutamol)
    • Long Acting (Formeterol, salmeterol)
    • Ultra long acting (Indacaterol, Vilanterol)
    • Anticholinergics (Ipratropium, Tiotropium)
    • Theophylline
  • Controller Medications/ Anti-inflammatory
    • Corticosteroids
    • Oral, IV, IM
  1. Leukotrienes Modifiers
    • CysLT1 Antagonists (Montelukast, Zafirlukast)
    • 5-LOX inhibitors (Zileuton)
  2. Mast Cell Stabilizer (Cromolyn Sodium)
  3. Anti IgE (Omalizumab)
  4. Anti IL-5 (Mepolizumab, Reslizumab)
  5. Anti IL-4/13 (Dupilumab)

Treatment -Asthma attacks

Mild to moderate- MDI β2 agonists administered every 1hr or ↑ the dose of ICS by 4-5 times

Nebulised β2 agonists upto every 20 min

Intravenous corticosteroids

Other measures

  1. Supplemental oxygen
  2. LTRA & magnesium
  3. Nebulised anticholinergics
  1. Non invasive pressure ventilation
  2. IV Antibiotics
  3. Mechanical ventilation : Permissive Hypercapnia

What are the benefits of homeopathic medicines for asthma?

Homeopathic medicines for Asthma, when selected according to the homeopathic principles of individualization and minimum dose, aim to improve an individual’s immunity. Every individual is unique and you know that every individual’s DNA is also unique. That is why people presenting with asthma, according to homeopathy, will not be given the same medicines. Individualization means recognizing that each person is different, and because everyone’s DNA is different, so, even if two people have similar allergic conditions like asthma, they will receive different medicines. Each person receives a treatment tailored to their specific symptoms, constitution and overall health. This individualized approach aims to address the root cause of asthma rather than just easing the symptoms of the disease. Once these medicines are given according to strict homeopathic principles, they work towards improving the immunity of the diseased individual or diseased person by enhancing the body’s natural immune response. By stimulating the immune system, asthma treatment in homeopathy can help reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. That’s homeopathic medicines can be extremely beneficial in controlling asthma.

The concept of minimal dosage involves the process of using a minimum required input level to build the immunity levels of the individual. The underlying ground for the same is that a smaller dosage of causation, which could have led to the disease if exposed to higher volumes of subjection, can stimulate the body to self-heal and recover decreased immune response. Through this, side effects are minimized, and the therapy effects are built upon massively. We always make sure to offer a comprehensive treatment through homeopathy. This is facilitated by reflecting upon the mental and emotional peripheries of the patient. We aim to understand the patients’ fears, anxieties, stresses and overall lifestyle levels. So, not only do we address the physical manifestations of the patients, but we also look forward to their overall well-being. These are some principles that define how a Homeopathic approach is conducted.
Our aim in Homeopathy has always been to target a long-term solution rather than just focusing on temporary benefits in symptoms. Homeopathy reduces response to asthmatic triggers, strengthening the immune response and gradually trying to cure the condition. This also leads to massive improvements in the quality of life and relationships.

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Homeopathy is a science based on the laws of similars, which means it treats the disease with medicines that produce similar symptoms when given to healthy individuals. Homeopathy aims to treat the person as a whole.

Medications are prescribed to treat acute asthma attacks, prevent their reoccurrence, and prevent allergies from triggering attacks. An acute remedy is used to treat acute attacks, while a constitutional deep-acting remedy prevents recurrences.

In Hahnemann’s disease classification, asthma is categorized as a true natural chronic disease caused by the chronic miasm. It is also influenced by various precipitating and maintaining factors, along with a genetic family history. Asthma is characterized by intermittent recurrence in some patients and may alternate with skin diseases.

The causes of asthma can be attributed to psora, syphilis, sycosis, or combinations of these. In the 80th aphorism, Hahnemann emphasizes ‘the monstrous internal chronic miasm – the psora, the real fundamental cause and producer of all other numerous diseases, including asthma and ulceration of the lungs.

How does CCube Homeopathy work best for homeopathic treatment for asthma?

CCube homeopathy with Dr. Rashmi Chandwani’s expertise works with a mission to provide best homeopathy in the world. The doctors at CCube Homeopathy are extensively trained who would prescribe medicines according to designed homeopathic principles and aim towards eradicating the diseases from their roots. Each doctor at CCube Homeopathy deeply understands the complexities of every individual’s disease condition, and that is how individualistic medicines are prescribed, and results are monitored closely when a disease is diagnosed. Dr. Rashmi Chandwani at CCube Homeopathy tailors treatment plans to individual symptoms and past medical or health histories, aiming not only to manage the symptoms but also to strengthen the body’s overall resilience to reduce the recurrence of allergic asthma episodes. CCube Homeopathy give best Homeopathic Treatment for Asthma.

At CCube Homeopathy, we treat the individual as a whole and not only so we specialize in an individualistic, holistic treatment but also life style management is also explained and frequent follow-ups are taken up by the doctor. Our doctors are committed to ensuring that patients improve day-by-day. At CCube homeopathy we have proven results in treating various allergic disorders, with Asthma, being a prominent issue.

Although there are multiple doctors curing asthma, what proves us different and unique are a few elemental factors that have shaped the nature of Dr Rashmi Chandwani’s CCube Homeopathy into what it is today. Each and every patient who visits us feels a comfortable and family-like environment, which we have always believed in. Primarily, health means comfort and comfort eventually comes from love and care. For more than 27 years, we must say that we have been loved by our patients not just by the results that we have offered but by the process as well. We often get to know that patients just want to come to the clinic and speak to Dr. Rashmi Chandwani because of her immense soothing and comforting nature.

On the other hand, we are proactive in taking follow ups and ensuring that that the patients observe betterment time to time as per the disease condition which are patients regard and this absolutely improves the complete life cycle of symptoms to relief.
