A 40 year old female visited our clinic and presented with a complaint of sharp
stitching and burning pain while passing stool and which persisted for a long time
after passing stools for the last 2 years. Pain was specifically localized to the
rectum with more intensity on right side and < during menses. Due to severe
pain she feared passing stool and pain hindered her day to day tasks.
Additionally, she has had pus discharge for the past 4 months. Despite receiving
regular treatment from a reputed hospital in Delhi. Although medications such
as Cremaffin and Luz along with painkillers used to give temporary relief but she
did not achieve any permanent relief then she approached us.
She has suffered from constipation with dry, hard stools since her delivery.
She pursued treatment At Max Hospital, where an MRI Fistulogram was
performed. MRI findings suggested an intersphincteric fistula with an external
opening at around 5 o’clock position extending cranially, traversing the
intersphincteric plane up to the mucosa.
Physical generals – The patient was vegetarian and lean build. She had poor
appetite with normal thirst. She loves to eat sweets. Her stools were dry and
hard followed by sharp shooting and burning pain in the anal region that
persisted for a long time after passing stools. Also, requires straining to evacuate
the stool. Thermally she was hot.
Family history – Brother was suffering from hemorrhoids and had tuberculosis.
Menstrual history – regular and copious menses, blood clots sometimes present.
During menses, sharp stitching like pain while passing stool.
Mental generals – Irritable and she is very optimistic. Desire for company and
fear of being alone. Cannot bear loud noises, it causes headaches.
After our careful case-taking and holistic healing, she not only experienced
significant relief from severe stitching and burning pain during stool but also
her bowel movements became regular. Her stools softened and did not require
any straining to evacuate the stool. By her 2nd visit, her pain had greatly
improved, and her appetite significantly better. And her weakness had also
reduced. Now she feels much better with no itching, constipation, or pain. She
is happy in her life.